Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cube documentation

Hello everyone,

I'd like to ask for your personal experience with documenting cubes. Is out there any good tool for that, something as Olapscribe for 2000, latest PowerDesigner or any other commercial tool available? It would be good to have something in BIDS helper also...



Hello! I have seen this tool and tried it.

It is not that good for Analysis Services 2005 documentation though. Even with this tool you will need to do additional work.


Thomas Ivarsson

|||You could try BI Dcoumenter, it produces an HTML version of the 2005 cubes or a complied HTML. Quite clever, except the diagrams are a little annoying as you need to recreate them, each time you take a new version of the database.|||Yes, I've seen that one also. I'll try the other tools listed on Compare page. I didn't take any deep look, but it seems a bit technical to me. I need something that normal user could look into and check what cubes/dimension/attributes do we have and what is the purpose of them.

Radim Hampel

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