Friday, February 24, 2012

cube cretion & report accessing it


I’m new with SSAS but I had know how to create a cube and I could able to connect to SSAS database and view the cube I had created. But I do not understand if some Reporting tool wanted to access the data from cube, will it connect cube and do the manipulation as per the report requirement or I have to do create a cube specific to the each report.

Another clarification if I create a cube on show flick schema will that be any problem in accessing the data.

This are the very basic questions but I need to get more clarity

Thank you

Regarding cubes & reports, you should be able to create a single cube and use it across your reports. Each report would have one or more MDX queries associated with it to provide the data for the report. Depending on the tool you use, the MDX may or may not be easily accessible as the interface may provide a means of assembling the query without exposing the MDX to you.

Regarding the other, I'm not sure what "show flick shema" is.


|||Thank you for this information !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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