Hi all,
My doubt is about the best client tool to use for access cube olap. Currently i use excel for some tests but when expand until third ou fourth level the query delays a time not acceptable many times hanging the virtual server.
Another doubt is about cube design the bahavor described above is normal?
Is my server i have a fact table with 211.000 rows, 17 columns (with two calculations columns) and 15 dimension tables ( I think tha is a small database). This tables are organized in a starschema inside a SQL Server 2005 database. The cube 15 dimensions (one with two hierarquies) and with five partitions based in the hierarquies.
Virtual Server Configuration:
512MB Physical Memory.
CPU Intel Core Centrino 1.66GHz
Windows 2003 SP1
SQLServer 2005 SP2
Apologies about my english.
It is a little bit hard to tell without knowing more about your cube. Have you designed proper attribute relationsships and aggregations? You can download the performance guide for AS2005 pointed to a the top of this group.
Next, I think that a cube of that size and that many dimensions will require more memory than 512 MB. I also run AS2005 on my laptop but not as a virtual server(because it is slower) and I have 2 GB of physical memory.
The problem in Excel might be related to the physical limits of you machine. To do a real test of Excels limits you should run it from a workstation without any server software installed. In that case 512 MB can be enough even if most workstations today have at least 1 GB RAM installed.
Thomas Ivarsson
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