Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cursor Help


Can somebody help me with this code. I have a table of 1000 records wiith unque key Contactid. This table has some duplicates on First, Name and ZipCode. What I am trying to do is open a cursor with the name ContactsDedup and if it is the first record insert it into another table just contactid and personid(It is just some value so i am giving it from my row counter @.counter. When my cursor goes to next record I am supposed to check if it is the same record as the first an dif it is look for ts personid in the other table and give the same personid to that contact also, if not then insert the that contactid with new personid(which I can use @.counter).

After writing this code I am getting as syntax error near else.

Can somebody help me with this. I really willl appreciate I

Create Procedure sp_ContactsDedupProcedure as
Declare @.Cid int
Declare @.FName varchar(100)
Declare @.LName varchar(100)
Declare @.ALine varchar(100)
Declare @.CC varchar(50)
Declare @.St varchar(50)
Declare @.Zip varchar(50)
Declare @.WA varchar(50)
Declare @.WP varchar(50)
Declare @.HA varchar(50)
Declare @.HP varchar(50)
Declare @.Email varchar(50)
Declare @.Login varchar(50)
Declare @.PID int
Declare @.Counter int
Declare @.RowCounter int
Declare @.FID int
Declare @.PPID int
Set @.counter = 0
set @.rowcounter = 0

Declare ContactsDedup Cursor
Scroll Dynamic For
Select Contactid, FirstName, LastName, AddressLine1, City, StateOrProvince, PostalCode, WorkArea, Workphone,
HomeArea, HomePhone, EmailAddress, LoginID, Personid from ContactsSample

Declare @.Contactid Int
Declare @.FirstName varchar(100)
Declare @.LastName varchar(100)
Declare @.AddressLine1 varchar(100)
Declare @.City varchar(50)
Declare @.Stateorprovince varchar(50)
Declare @.PostalCode varchar(50)
Declare @.WorkArea varchar(50)
Declare @.WorkPhone varchar(50)
Declare @.HomeArea varchar(50)
Declare @.HomePhone varchar(50)
Declare @.EmailAddress varchar(50)
Declare @.LoginID varchar(50)
Declare @.Personid varchar(50)

Declare @.Contactid1 Int
Declare @.FirstName1 varchar(100)
Declare @.LastName1 varchar(100)
Declare @.AddressLine11 varchar(100)
Declare @.City1 varchar(50)
Declare @.Stateorprovince1 varchar(50)
Declare @.PostalCode1 varchar(50)
Declare @.WorkArea1 varchar(50)
Declare @.WorkPhone1 varchar(50)
Declare @.HomeArea1 varchar(50)
Declare @.HomePhone1 varchar(50)
Declare @.EmailAddress1 varchar(50)
Declare @.LoginID1 varchar(50)
Declare @.Personid1 varchar(50)

Declare PersonContacts Cursor For
Select Contactid, Personid

Declare @.PContactId int
Declare @.PPersonID int

open ContactsDedup

Fetch Next from ContactsDedup into
@.Contactid, @.FirstName, @.LastName, @.AddressLine1, @.City, @.StateOrProvince, @.PostalCode, @.WorkArea, @.Workphone,
@.HomeArea, @.HomePhone, @.EmailAddress, @.LoginID, @.Personid

While @.@.Fetch_Status = 0

set @.Counter = @.counter + 1

If @.Counter = 1

Insert into PersonContactID(Personid, Contactid)
select @.counter, @.contactid


set @.counter = @.counter + 1
set @.Cid = @.contactid
set @.FName = @.FirstName
Set @.LName = @.LastName
Set @.ALine = @.AddressLine1
set @.CC = @.City
set @.St = @.Stateorprovince
set = @.PostalCode
set @.WA = @.WorkArea
set @.WP = @.WorkPhone
set @.HA = @.HomeArea
set @.HP = @.HomePhone
Set @.Email = @.EmailAddress
Set @.Login = @.loginid
set @.Pid = @.Personid

Declare ContactsDedupCheck Cursor For
Select Contactid, FirstName, LastName, AddressLine1, City, StateOrProvince, PostalCode, WorkArea, Workphone,
HomeArea, HomePhone, EmailAddress, LoginID, Personid from ContactsSample

open ContactsDedupCheck

Fetch Next from ContactsDedupCheck into @.Contactid1, @.FirstName1, @.LastName1, @.AddressLine11, @.City1, @.StateOrProvince1, @.PostalCode1, @.WorkArea, @.Workphone1,
@.HomeArea1, @.HomePhone1, @.EmailAddress1, @.LoginID1, @.Personid1

While @.rowcounter >= @.counter

set @.rowcounter = @.rowcounter + 1

If @.FName = @.FirstName

--If @.Lname = @.LastName

--If @.ALine = @.AddressLine1

Set @.FID = @.Contactid1


Fetch Next from ContactsDedupCheck into @.Contactid1, @.FirstName1, @.LastName1, @.AddressLine11, @.City1, @.StateOrProvince1, @.PostalCode1, @.WorkArea, @.Workphone1,
@.HomeArea1, @.HomePhone1, @.EmailAddress1, @.LoginID1, @.Personid1

Open PersonContacts
Fetch Next from ContactsPerson into @.Contactid , @.Personid
While @.@.Fetch_Status = 0
If @.FId = @.Contactid

set @.PPId = @.personid
Insert into PersonContacts(Contactid, Personid)
select @.CID, @.PPID
Insert into PersonContacts(Contactid, Personid)
select @.CID, @.counter
Fetch Next from ContactsPerson into @.Contactid , @.Personid


Fetch Next from ContactsDedup into
@.Contactid, @.FirstName, @.LastName, @.AddressLine1, @.City, @.StateOrProvince, @.PostalCode, @.WorkArea, @.Workphone,
@.HomeArea, @.HomePhone, @.EmailAddress, @.LoginID, @.Personid


Close ContactsDedup
Deallocate ContactsDedup

Close ContactsDedupCheck
Deallocate ContactsDedupCheck

Close PersonContacts
Deallocate PersonContacts

I will appreciate any help. This project d due today, please help as i am a novice to this.Check this part:

If @.FId = @.Contactid
-- begin -- I guess you have to add begin
set @.PPId = @.personid
Insert into PersonContacts(Contactid, Personid)
select @.CID, @.PPID
--end -- the same
Insert into PersonContacts(Contactid, Personid)
select @.CID, @.counter
Fetch Next from ContactsPerson into @.Contactid , @.Personid


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