Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cursor Operation Conflict

I keep getting a cursor operation conflict when calling the "Update" method
of a recordsetup object using VB6 with a SQL Server 2000 DB. I have 0
"INSTEAD OF" triggers in the database, my user options are set to 0. I am
running MDAC on a Win XP SP2 machine against a Win 2003 Server
with SQL Server 2000 SP 4. This didn't happen in previous versions of our
software, indicating to me that the software has changed somewhere. I've
looked through the software and nothing different stands out. If I change t
a client-side cursor it works ok. The data is still saved with a server sid
cursor, but I get the error message "Cursor Operation Conflict". There are
no triggers on the table that I'm inserting into.UPDATE: I'm now using a "NOT IN" in one portion of our software and that
seems to be causing the cursor operation conflict in other portions of the
software. I'm not sure why, but my syntax is "KeyField NOT IN (400, 390)",
which the records return fine both in VB and Query Analyzer, but when I try
to add/update a record in other parts of the software then I get the error.
If I exclude the "NOT IN" then no errors elsewhere.
"John Estrada" wrote:

> I keep getting a cursor operation conflict when calling the "Update" metho
> of a recordsetup object using VB6 with a SQL Server 2000 DB. I have 0
> "INSTEAD OF" triggers in the database, my user options are set to 0. I am
> running MDAC on a Win XP SP2 machine against a Win 2003 Server
> with SQL Server 2000 SP 4. This didn't happen in previous versions of our
> software, indicating to me that the software has changed somewhere. I've
> looked through the software and nothing different stands out. If I change
> a client-side cursor it works ok. The data is still saved with a server s
> cursor, but I get the error message "Cursor Operation Conflict". There ar
> no triggers on the table that I'm inserting into.

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