Thursday, March 29, 2012

cursor usage

hi guys

i have a table that contains a tremendous amount of row. i have written a stored procedure that takes a summary of that information and updates it's master table as well as another table. the problem is it takes very long to do. is what i am doing correct or is there a better way. here is the source

CREATE PROCEDURE update_cvrbatches

declare @.code varchar(25),@.type varchar(3),@.batchno varchar(10),@.batchqty Float,@.issued float,@.returned float,@.transfered float,@.itemcount float,@.totestcost float,@.totactcost float,@.reserved float,@.warehouse varchar(3)

Update cvrwarehouse set BoughtQty =0, IssuedQty = 0, ReservedQty =0 ,Returned = 0 ,Transfered = 0

select Code,Type,BatchNo,sum(BoughtQty) as BoughtQty,sum(IssuedQty) as IssuedQty,sum(ReservedQty) as ReservedQty,sum(ReturnedQty) as ReturnedQty,sum(TransferQty) as TransferQty,count(Barcode) as ItemCount,
sum(EstCost) as EstCost,sum(ActCost) as ActCost,Warehouse
from cvrbatches
Group by Code,Type,Colour,Quality,CustomField,BatchNo,Warehouse
OPEN getbatches

FETCH NEXT FROM getbatches into @.code,@.type ,@.batchno ,@.batchqty,@.issued ,@.reserved,@.returned ,@.transfered ,@.itemcount ,@.totestcost ,@.totactcost ,@.warehouse
--doen iets hier

update cvrbatchctrl set BatchQty = @.batchqty, Issued = @.issued, Reserved = @.reserved ,Returned = @.returned ,Transfered = @.transfered, ItemCount = @.itemcount,TotalEstCost = @.totestcost,TotalActCost = @.totactcost
where Code = @.code and Type = @.type and Warehouse = @.warehouse and BatchNo = @.batchno
update cvrwarehouse set BoughtQty =BoughtQty + @.batchqty, IssuedQty = IssuedQty + @.issued, ReservedQty = ReservedQty + @.reserved ,Returned = Returned + @.returned ,Transfered = Transfered + @.transfered
where Code = @.code and Type = @.type and Warehouse = @.warehouse

FETCH NEXT FROM getbatches into @.code,@.type ,@.batchno ,@.batchqty,@.issued ,@.reserved,@.returned ,@.transfered ,@.itemcount ,@.totestcost ,@.totactcost,@.warehouse

CLOSE getbatches
DEALLOCATE getbatches

is there a better way?


better use setbased solutions rather than cursors, one example would be (*untested*) the below one: (put in a more human readble format)

update cvrbatchctrl
set BatchQty = SUbQuery.BoughtQty,
Issued = SUbQuery.IssuedQty,
Reserved = SUbQuery.ReservedQty,
Returned = SUbQuery.ReservedQty,
Transfered = SUbQuery.TransferQty,
ItemCount = SUbQuery.ItemCount,
TotalEstCost = SUbQuery.EstCost,
TotalActCost = SUbQuery.ActCost
FROM cvrbatchctrl cvr
select Code,
sum(BoughtQty) as BoughtQty,
sum(IssuedQty) as IssuedQty,
sum(ReservedQty) as ReservedQty,
sum(ReturnedQty) as ReturnedQty,
sum(TransferQty) as TransferQty,
count(Barcode) as ItemCount,
sum(EstCost) as EstCost,
sum(ActCost) as ActCost
from cvrbatches
Group by Code,Type,Colour,Quality,CustomField,BatchNo,Warehouse
) SUbQuery
cvr.Code = SUbQuery.Code and
cvr.Type = SUbQuery.Type and
cvr.Warehouse = SUbQuery.Warehouse and
cvr.BatchNo = SUbQuery.batchno

--Second one, taking the value from the first update (make surethat your condition is complete in the below script)

update cvrwarehouse
set BoughtQty = cvrhouse.BoughtQty + @.batchqty,
IssuedQty = cvrhouse.IssuedQty + @.issued,
ReservedQty = cvrhouse.ReservedQty + @.reserved ,
Returned = cvrhouse.Returned + @.returned ,
Transfered = cvrhouse.Transfered + @.transfered
FROM cvrwarehouse cvrhouse
INNER JOIN cvrbatchctrl cvrbatch
cvrhouse.Code = cvrbatchctrl.Code AND
cvrhouse.Type = cvrbatchctrl.Type
cvrhouse.Warehouse = cvrbatchctrl.Warehouse

HTH, jens Suessmeyer.


Thank you.

haven't tried it yet but it sure makes for an interesting solution.

let you know as soon as i do.

again thanks


i just tested it

works really well and the speed is a lot better

thanks again

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